Bread recipes

Recipe for Norwegian red fruit bread baked in a mould

Éric Kayser presents a bread that is easy to make yet rich in flavor. A robust taste balanced with a touch of sweetness from red fruits. Very simple to prepare, it can be enjoyed at any time of the day.

  • 400g wheat flour type 65
  • 300g small spelt flour.
  • 300g type 150 flour.
  • 20g coarse salt.
  • 150g natural sourdough.
  • 25g honey.
  • 10g yeast.
  • 600g water at 65°C.
  • 180g mixed berries and seeds (in this case cranberries, strawberries and blueberries, plus a few seeds). But let your imagination run wild; just the fruit, just the seeds, the important thing is to have around 100g per kilo of dough).
  • A little butter for the molds (optional).
  • 2 medium cake pans.
  • Electric mixer.
  • One horn.
  • Kneading: less than ten minutes.
  • Pushing: until the dough reaches the top of the mold (depending on your room temperature).
  • 1st baking (in the molds): ± 40 minutes at 240°C.
  • 2nd baking (unmolded): ± 20 minutes at 200°C.

Start by adding water to the bottom of the mixer bowl and turn it on. Add the yeast, the three types of flour, the natural levain, the honey, and the salt. Do not knead for too long—just enough to obtain a homogeneous and lump-free dough. Stretch the dough slightly by adding a bit of water at the end to loosen it up.

Add the red fruit mix, making sure to set the mixer to low speed and knead only long enough to incorporate them into the dough. Otherwise, the fruits may break apart and disappear into the crumb after baking.

Butter your molds, making sure not to forget the corners and edges.

Fill the molds two-thirds full with dough, using a dough scraper. Tap the bottom of your mold several times against the work surface to compact the dough and evenly distribute it. Lightly moisten the top of the dough with water and smooth it into the corners of the mold.

Let the dough rise until it reaches the top of the mold (rising time will depend on the room temperature).

Moisten the top of the dough again with water.

Place the molds in the oven and bake for about 40 minutes at 240°C.

Remove the Norwegian breads from their molds and return them to the oven at 200°C for another 20 minutes.

A simple and quick recipe to make, but one whose flavor will stay with you for a long time.


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