Sweet recipes

The recipe for our famous Viennese bread with turmeric, walnuts and hazelnuts

Viennese dough is the perfect base for incorporating sweet or savory ingredients.
In his bakeries, Éric Kayser offers walnut bread or the very popular turmeric, walnut, and hazelnut bread.
Learn how to make it at home with this recipe.

  • 500g flour
  • 15g yeast.
  • 10g salt.
  • 70g natural sourdough: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfrSXkb59Co&t=0s
  • 100g butter.
  • 20g milk powder.
  • 60g sugar.
  • 250g water.
  • 10g turmeric.
  • 100g to 150g walnuts to taste.
  • 100g to 150 hazelnuts to taste.
  • Electric mixer.
  • A pastry cutter.
  • A horn.
  • Brush
  • Razor blade.
  • Thermometer.
  • Kneading: between 10 and 15 minutes
  • 1st sprouting: 1 hour
  • Rest: 30 minutes
  • 2nd growth: 2 hours
  • Baking time: 22 minutes at 200°C

The Recipe:
Start by adding the water to the mixer bowl.
Then, add the yeast (so it doesn’t come into contact with the salt) and follow with the sourdough starter, milk powder, and flour.

Start the mixer on the first speed.
Gradually add the sugar and salt while mixing.
Knead for about ten minutes on medium speed.

Once the dough is nearly well mixed, incorporate the butter and let it knead for another three minutes.

When the dough is smooth, fully mixed, and detaches cleanly, add the turmeric.
Then, add 150g of hazelnuts and 150g of walnuts on the first speed, just long enough to incorporate them into the dough.

Stop the mixer, remove the dough from the bowl, and let it proof for one hour.

Divide the dough into four pieces of 250g each.
Pre-shape them into balls.
Let them rest for 30 minutes.

Shape the pieces into batards by slightly elongating the ends.

Place the loaves on a baking tray lined with parchment paper.
Score the loaves with deep cuts using a blade.

Let them proof for two hours.

Lightly brush them with water.

Bake for 22 minutes at 200°C.

Enjoy with fish or spread with fresh cheese.
Note: If you’re making thinner loaves, remove them from the oven earlier.


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