Bread recipes

The recipe for the rye bread, a rustic bread that deserves your attention

Éric Kayser invites you to discover the recipe of the rye bread. The perfect pairing to shellfishes, a rustic bread that deserves your attention.

So, follow Éric Kayser’s steps and join him in his kitchen.

  • 350g T130 rye flour.
  • 150g wheat flour T65.
  • 360g water.
  • 100g liquid sourdough.
  • 2g fresh baker's yeast.
  • 10g salt.
  • An electric mixer.
  • A sieve.
  • Scales.
  • A horn.
  • A sheet of greaseproof paper.
  • Bowls and salad bowls.
  • Kneading: between four and five minutes.
  • First sprouting: 1 hour.
  • Rest: 30 minutes.
  • Second growth: 1 hour.
  • Baking: 30 minutes at 230°C.

Pour the water, natural sourdough starter, fresh baker’s yeast, both flours, and salt.

Start the mixer on low speed, just for the frasage stage, meaning the mixing of all ingredients; then for another two minutes.

Flour your work surface.

Stop the mixer and remove the dough from the mixer using your scraper.

Form a pre-shaped ball, being careful not to handle the dough too much to avoid tearing it.

Cover your ball with a damp cloth. Let your dough rest for one hour.

Divide your dough into 300g pieces.

Form balls again, making sure not to overwork the dough.

Cover your balls with a damp cloth and let them rest for half an hour.

Take a first piece and flip it upside down.

Press very lightly with the palm of your hand on top of the dough.

Shape in two movements, because rye bread should not be handled too much.

Fold the top toward the middle, then edge to edge.

Pinch the bottom with your thumbs. Finalize the seal by pinching the edges between your fingers.

Slightly elongate the dough by rolling it on your work surface. Check that the seal is well closed. If not, pinch it between your fingers.

Place your dough on your parchment paper-lined baking sheet, seal side down.

Repeat the process for your other pieces.

Put a little flour in your sieve and sprinkle it over your dough.

Then, slash your dough in an ear-of-wheat pattern, three slashes on one side, three slashes on the other.

Cover with a damp cloth.

Let them rise again for one hour.

You can check if they are ready by pressing lightly with your finger.

If the dough springs back fairly quickly, it’s time to put it in the oven.

If your oven does not produce steam, place a stainless steel bowl filled with water inside to create some humidity.

Then, bake for 30 minutes at 230°C.


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