Our Story
The story of Maison Kayser began at 8 Rue Monge on Friday, September 13, 1996. It was the logical continuation of a journey started by a man from a very young age

“Eric Kayser inherited a passion for bread, being born into a family of bakers. Joining the Compagnons du Devoir at a young age, he not only continued the tradition but also developed his love for sharing knowledge and advancing the craft

In the early 1990s, few believed in the return of high-quality bread. Éric Kayser was among the believers. He bet on the development of ‘traditional’ bread, made from French wheat flours without additives, crafted from selected wheats and natural sourdough; a living fermentation agent that enhances the taste and preservation of the bread.
He was a trainer for nearly 10 years at the National Institute of Bakery and Pastry (INBP), and then within his own consulting entity. This led to a journey of sharing and exchanging with bakers around the world. Since then, his methods have been replicated globally, spreading French expertise far and wide
Our story is written day by day. To stay in tune with our customers’ expectations, we continually evolve our products to enhance their flavor, adopt more advanced production methods, and select top-quality raw materials. Since the end of 2013, those with gluten intolerance can also enjoy this pleasure, thanks to our gluten-free range available in some of our Parisian bakeries or via postal delivery

In 1994, the invention of the Fermentolevain, a machine that maintains liquid sourdough at a constant temperature to facilitate its use, became the cornerstone of Éric Kayser’s work and his quest for bread with a creamy crumb, rich in cereal and dried fruit aromas… with excellent preservation.

Éric Kayser succeeded in conveying his vision of bakery by creating a company that is now widely present internationally. In each country, products are adapted to local cultures and tastes: while our Monge baguette remains an unmistakable signature of Maison Kayser, elsewhere, breads may be softer, more colorful, smaller… Formats and flavors vary, but our expertise, the selection of top-quality raw materials, and the use of liquid sourdough remain consistent.

The Maison Kayser began its international expansion in Japan in 2001. Today, Japan is the second largest country for Maison Kayser with around thirty shops. The dedication and talent of Japanese bakers and chefs inspire many collaborators of the group, whether they are French, Portuguese, Filipino, American, Chilean… Over recent years, Côte d’Ivoire, Hong Kong, and Spain have also joined our list of locations. Every minute, somewhere in the world, people are enjoying our pastries, and each time it’s an opportunity to embrace the challenge dear to our house: sharing the love for good bread. Looking ahead, Maison Kayser aims to maintain its artisan bakery signature and proudly uphold the associated values. Whether in transit locations such as stations, airports, or in shopping malls and busy streets, the recipe remains the same…