Bread recipes

Ekmek bread recipe by Éric Kayser

In Turkey, these soft breads enriched with olive oil and honey are at the heart of traditional baking.
It’s no coincidence that its name simply means “bread” in Turkish.
Follow Éric Kayser’s step-by-step advice and (re)discover the recipe for this Turkish bread, which pairs wonderfully with both sweet and savory dishes.

  • 500g wheat flour.
  • 100g liquid sourdough :
  • 10g salt.
  • 7g to 8g yeast.
  • 225g water.
  • 75g honey.
  • 40g olive oil (+ a few cl for gilding).
  • A paddle attachment or electric mixer (if you don't want to knead by hand)
  • A thermometer.
  • Brush.
  • A horn.
  • Dough cutter.
  • Razor blade.
  • Oven rack.
  • Parchment paper.
  • Kneading by machine or by hand: approx. 15 minutes
  • 1st rising: 2 hours
  • Rest: 30 minutes
  • 2nd rising: 2 hours
  • Baking time: 20 minutes

Hand Kneading:
Pour the water into your mixing bowl. Use slightly warmer water than usual, around 25°C to 30°C.
Then, add the yeast in small pieces.
Next, add the flour, salt, and finally, the sourdough starter.
Start mixing with your hands.

Add the honey and continue mixing, making sure to scrape all the flour from the sides and bottom of the bowl.

Once the mixture is homogeneous, add the olive oil.
Mix again with force (grabbing and squeezing the dough).
Repeat this motion until the olive oil is fully absorbed.
Then, start incorporating air into the dough by throwing it in front of you and giving it a turn.

Electric Mixer Kneading:
In the mixer bowl, combine the flour, water, liquid sourdough starter, yeast, salt, and honey.
Mix for 5 minutes on low speed, then 10 minutes on high speed.
About 3 minutes before the end of kneading, incorporate the olive oil.

Shape the dough into a ball and place it in a lightly floured mixing bowl.
Let it rest for 2 hours.

Lightly flour your work surface.
Divide the dough into 3 equal parts.
Shape these pieces into small balls.
Let them rest for 30 minutes under a cloth.

Degas the dough by gently flattening the pieces.
Shape them into balls again.
Flatten them slightly, as Ekmek is flatter than the breads we are used to.

Place your dough pieces on a baking tray lined with parchment paper.

Score the dough with a polka-dot pattern.

Let them proof for two hours.

Bake the breads for 20 minutes at 230°C to 240°C.


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