Maison Kayser Academy

Discover all the recipes from Maison Kayser Academy.

  • Sweet recipes
    Eric Kayser presents an ancestral recipe for gingerbread with dried fruit
  • Chef's recipes
    Gilles and Nicolas Verot tell Eric Kayser the recipe for their home-made pate-en-croûte
  • Bread recipes
    The recipe for three-grain cobbler from Éric Kayser’s new cookbook
  • Chef's recipes
    Talented chef Philippe Conticini presents his mango tart with no added sugar
  • Breakfast recipes
    Almond croissant, a recipe by Eric Kayser for his book “La boulangerie des petits”.
  • Breakfast recipes
    Éric Kayser presents the recipe for his cereal bread
  • Chef's recipes
    Italian chef Denny Imbroisi presents his recipe for focaccia
  • Breakfast recipes
    Eric Kayser’s secret for making beautiful madeleines
  • Breakfast recipes
    The recipe for chouquettes as good as in the bakery
Interested in becoming a Baker?

Join our adult baker training program for a career change.
We also offer the CAP Baker diploma eligible for CPF funding!
Find your distance learning bakery training with Éric Kayser School or contact an advisor at +33 1 46 00 69 03.

Découvrir les formations

Éric Kayser has prepared video tutorials of bakery recipes for you. From creating sourdough to baking a traditional French baguette, from his famous cookies to his equally exquisite chestnut bread for the holidays. Discover detailed step-by-step recipes here.