Maison Kayser Academy

Discover all the recipes from Maison Kayser Academy.

  • Bread recipes
    Éric Kayser’s recipe for hand-kneaded tourte de meule
  • Sweet recipes
    The recipe for Strawberry Tart from Éric Kayser bakeries
  • Savoury recipes
    Éric Kayser’s recipe for tasty filled rolls and strings
  • Sweet recipes
    The easy pistachio cake recipe
  • Bread recipes
    Maison Kayser recipe for rustic buckwheat flour bread
  • Sweet recipes
    Go for the chocolate fondant recipe
  • Pain viennois curcuma, noix et noisettes devant le canal Saint Martin de Paris
    Sweet recipes
    The recipe for our famous Viennese bread with turmeric, walnuts and hazelnuts
  • Sweet recipes
    The recipe for succulent Macatia bread from the Indian Ocean islands
  • Sweet recipes
    Éric Kayser’s recipe for Alsatian kouglof
Interested in becoming a Baker?

Join our adult baker training program for a career change.
We also offer the CAP Baker diploma eligible for CPF funding!
Find your distance learning bakery training with Éric Kayser School or contact an advisor at +33 1 46 00 69 03.

Découvrir les formations

Éric Kayser has prepared video tutorials of bakery recipes for you. From creating sourdough to baking a traditional French baguette, from his famous cookies to his equally exquisite chestnut bread for the holidays. Discover detailed step-by-step recipes here.